Lots of people recommend others to follow a certain diet without any advance thinking, and then the disappointment comes quickly. We will supply you with tips to lose weight and to ensure long-term success. Lets say the purpose is the glint that triggers the weight loss desire, then the formal design is the energy that keeps the flame going. The following weight loss tips will guide you to succeed, according to the belief of 99% weight loss experts in the field:

1. Internal Motivation and External Motication
First of all write a note of all reasons that makes you want to lose weight.Internal motivation: to better your current health and the aspiration to improve your appearance and beauty. These two reasons usually lead success for the long haul.
External motivation: such as wearing a fitting pants, or to become stronger, but it does not guarantee the continuity and persistence compared to internal motivation.
2. Regular physical activity
Physical activity burns calories and improves your psychological mood. I advise people to exercise regularly because your body needs it like food and water. Even during the days that you might not have any time. Because you can make time and find a way to replace less physical activities to other physical activities, such as walking instead of driving, or exercises that you can do at work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and so on.
3. Support
You can do this on your own, but the support makes it easier, and makes the effort more enjoyable. No need to deploy it in the media, but the participation of family and friends in your planning will give you a lot of support and encouragement.
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4. Stay away from fast food
Stay away from fast food restaurants, not because it is not conducive to weight loss, but also because it is harmful to your health, those meals served in fast food restaurants do not make you feel satiety as they do not provide your body with what it needs from the basic dietary elements.
5. Eat smaller meals during long periods of time
Eating smaller meals slows the terrible peckish feeling, which leads to weight loss over the long term. This is also a good way to introduce fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Eat meals that contain between 100-150 calories. Don't forget to drink a glass of water between meals; it will provide you with fluid and reduces the feeling of hunger, without increasing the amount of calories.
6. Get enough sleep and relax for the next day
We have also found that lack of sleep or any disorder during sleep at night may lead to negative increases in weight; The idea here is the need to sleep between 6-8 hours each day without any breaks.
7. Drink lots of water and healthy fluids
A healthy person drinks about half a gallon of water each day and natural drinks are a plus because they contain no chemical or sugar addings. Drinking water also reduces the hunger feeling which helps you to eat lesser quantities of foods and for the body to consume more fat.
8. Eat protein more than carbohydrates and fat
Make sure your diet contain more protein than carbohydrates and fat, that's the key element in every successful diet to reduce weight and to get a perfect body. Along side regular exercises to strengthen your muscles as it burns fat, you can eat eggs and drink milk to get protein.
9. Gradual Changes
Rapid changes usually disappear quickly. In contrast, the gradual changes remain with you forever. Try to make a list of your long-term goals, such as the required weight you wanted to achieve, feeling energetic, or feeling confident and controlling your life once more. Then divide your goals to secondary targets, for example: During the next year, I want to lose weight x kg. This divided the objective of smaller parts, ie at the level of months, weeks, and then think about how to achieve this by reducing calorie consumption and increasing physical activity. Do not initiate any lethal diet immediately nor taking out all the rich calorie foods at once. Do this gradually. The same applies to physical activity.
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Those were the 9 reasons that will help lose weight effectively if taken seriously and actively. but before you can leave i wanted to ask this; Based on your experience:
what is the most important tip from above or else where that will help a person to lose weight?