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Rules You Did Not Hear About Weight Loss

By Unknown -
For many people weight loss is a big obstacle and no wonder why many corporates place promotional ads like "Lose 10 kilos in one week?" isn't this more of an imaginary quote, let's be realistic weight loss should be gradual and the most important thing is the will and determination to follow the correct dietary. In his article, I will tell you the most unheard rules yet very important in order to lose weight.

Rules you did not hear about weight loss

Recently the Reader's Digest magazine published 13 secrets of how to make the most healthy eating and how to also benefit fully from gyms as well as some secrets that will help you achieve your ideal weight.

Do not go to the gym on an empty stomach

Please, madam do not go to the gym on an empty stomach or if you're sick or if you haven't got enough sleep (less than 6 hours). Because the body is not ready to burn fats nor ready to function properly; It's basically pouring water in the sand.

Working with the best group

If you find yourself feeling bored with the exercises then it's maybe time for you to spice things up and join a group. Training with a group will increase your enthusiasm and your desire to give it all your best.

Bike riding

Studies have shown that women who exercising cycling for at least 10 minutes a day are more likely to burn fat fast compared to those who do not.

You can use a good scream

Screaming while exercising is a method which bodybuilders use to push themselves and nothing wrong with it if you do use it yourself, in order to increase your breathing and the flow of oxygen.

Stay away from fast food

Stay away from fast foods permanently, do yourself a promise to give up the habit of fast foods. Also don't forget to associate fast foods with high calories and belly fat and that shall change your image of fast food.

Water and Water and Water

You basically can't have enough water, drink as much water as possible between meal. Water helps to fight the sense of hunger and gives you energy (oxygen) also give you a clear skin.

The main meals

Rules you did not hear about weight loss

You need to eat a healthy breakfast and every other meal on time. Eat your breakfast like a queen and lunch like a princess and dinner like the poor.


Sleeping on time may be the best and cheapest way to treat obesity. Less sleep reduces the leptin hormone (which helps you feel full) and increases the ghrelin hormone (which causes hunger).

Do not think of eating

Avoid the temptations of food while shopping, Stay away from dedicated catering corners at the mall and try to keep a light snack in hand every time you go out, such as baked wheat or light crackers.

Your goal is good health

Focus on living a healthy lifestyle and not just to lose pounds.

Lose weight gradually

Take gradual steps towards your diet and do not surprise your body with extreme dietary. Remain patient for long term results and improve the details of your daily activities.

Eat slowly and chew correctly

Rules you did not hear about weight loss

Have you ever noticed that people who eat slowly are in better shape? Eating slowly is one of the methods that will help you eat small quantities of food. This is because it takes the brain 20 minutes to receive the signal from the minute you begin eating; so those who eat quickly consume large quantities of food before the brain even know it.

Eat Foods rich in fiber

Fiber-rich foods give you a sense of satiety for a long time, which is ideal for weight loss. Fibers are found in foods such as fruits and vegetables and oatmeal and bread made from whole grains, brown rice, pasta and beans, peas and lentils.

Use a small dish when eating

Studies indicate that people who use smaller dishes tend to eat fewer servings and feel good at the same time. You can gradually get used to eating fewer quantities of food by using small bowls and dishes. It takes about 20 minutes to tell your brain that the stomach is full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.

That's it
These were the most effective yet unheard of weight loss secrets, tell us yours?